MAZE Key Classes¶
Zeolite class¶
(symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None, charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None, calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, site_to_atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to_site=None, additions=None, ztype=None, cluster_maker=None)[source]¶ This Zeolite object inherits from PerfectZeolite. It represents a zeolite and consists of additional functionality for adding, removing and integrating other atoms.
(symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None, charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None, calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, site_to_atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to_site=None, additions=None, ztype=None, cluster_maker=None)[source]¶ Constructor for Zeolite object. The majority of the functionality comes from ase.Atoms object # TODO: write out docstring
(position_list)[source]¶ A helper function to check that the positions of the atoms are unique. An error is thrown if there are overlapping atoms. This slows down the code, because it is O(N^2).
- Parameters
(np.array[np.array]) (position_list) – an array of positions
- Returns
(additions_map: Dict) → None[source]¶ Add an additions map to the current Zeolite. This function has side effects and modifies the current Zeolite. This is useful in building a Zeolite from a saved file and reloading the additions map into memory. :param additions_map: an additions map (format is specified in the additions map function) :type additions_map: Dict[Dict] :return: None :rtype: None
(atoms_to_add: ase.atoms.Atoms, atom_type: str, short_description: str = '') → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Adds additional atoms to current imperfect MAZE-sim
- Parameters
atoms_to_add – The new atoms to add
atom_type – A str describing the type of atoms that are being added
short_description – A short description of the atoms that are being added (optional)
- Returns
A new imperfect MAZE-sim with the atoms added
(operation: Callable, *args, **kwargs) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Applies a custom function to the atoms and returns a new self. Custom operation cannot change tags or else errors will occur!
- Parameters
operation – applies a custom function to the atoms
- Returns
zeolite with applied modifications
(bonds_needed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None)[source]¶ Build a dictionary of hydrogen caps
- Parameters
bonds_needed – Number of bonds needed for each atom
- Returns
A list of positions of H caps
(bonds_needed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None)[source]¶ Builds a dictionary of oxygen caps
- Parameters
bonds_needed – Number of bonds needed for each atom
- Returns
A list of oxygen cap positions
(bonds_needed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None) → Dict[str, numpy.array][source]¶ Builds a dictionary for all atoms (not currently being used, but could be resurrected).
- Parameters
bonds_needed – number of bonds needed for each atom type
- Returns
A list of capping atoms to add
(cap_description: str = '') → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Cap all of the atoms in the zeolite
- Parameters
cap_description – A short description for the caps that will be added
- Returns
A copy of self with the correct parameters added
(self_index: int, other_index: int, other: ase.atoms.Atoms) → None[source]¶ Change the atom properties
- Parameters
self_index – index of self that needs to be changed
other_index – index of other that holds the properties to change self
other – other Atoms object that the other_indices corresponds to
- Returns
(site_index) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Creates a silanol defect by deleting an atom and capping the resulting imperfect MAZE-sim
- Parameters
site_index –
- Returns
An imperfect MAZE-sim with a silanol defect
(indices_to_delete) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Delete atoms from imperfect MAZE-sim by returning a copy with atoms deleted
- Parameters
indices_to_delete – Indices of atoms in current MAZE-sim to delete
- Returns
a copy of self with atoms deleted
(oxygen_atom_to_cap_pi, atom_symbol_list) → int[source]¶ - Parameters
atom_symbol_list – The symbols to look for in the parent MAZE-sim
oxygen_atom_to_cap_pi –
- Returns
parent atom Si index or H index
(atom_type_name: str) → List[int][source]¶ Find the type of the atom in the parent zeolite list
- Parameters
atom_type_name (str) – the name of a certain site
- Returns
List of indices that match site description
- Return type
(atom_to_cap_self_i: int) → numpy.array[source]¶ - Parameters
atom_to_cap_self_i – atom to cap index (self index)
- Returns
hydrogen position
(start_index: int, cluster_indices=None, **kwargs) → Tuple[zeolite.Zeolite, zeolite.Zeolite][source]¶ Generates a Cluster of atoms around the specified index. The number of atoms in the cluster is given by the size parameter.
- Parameters
start_index (int) – center index of cluster
cluster_indices – Indices of cluster to make
max_size – max size of cluster
index – index of the central atom in the cluster
max_neighbors – number of neighbors from the host atom in the final cluster
- Returns
index of the cluster in the MAZE-sim cluster array
(index) → numpy.array[source]¶ Finds the position of a hydrogen cap position
- Parameters
index – index of hydrogen cap
- Returns
the hydrogen position to add the cap too
(atom_to_cap_self_i) → numpy.array[source]¶ Find a position of an oxygen cap
- Parameters
self_index – index of atom needing cap
- Returns
A position array of the oxygen cap position
() → List[str][source]¶ Get a list of all of the types in the parent zeolite :return: List of the names of all types :rtype: List[str]
(index: int) → str[source]¶ Get the type of atom at a certain index :param index: the atom index to get the type of :type index: int :return: the name of the type of index :rtype: str
(other: maze.perfect_zeolite.PerfectZeolite) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Integrate another MAZE-sim into the current MAZE-sim
- Parameters
other – the other MAZE-sim to integrate
- Returns
a new imperfect MAZE-sim with the other MAZE-sim integrated
(adsorbate: ase.atoms.Atoms) → Tuple[zeolite.Zeolite, maze.adsorbate.Adsorbate][source]¶ Add an adsorbate into the imperfect MAZE-sim
- Parameters
adsorbate – Adsorbate object
ads_name – name of the adsorbate
- Returns
a copy of imperfect MAZE-sim with the adsorabte added
(atom_index: int, bonds_needed: int) → bool[source]¶ Finds if an atom needs a cap
- Parameters
atom_index – index of atom to check for cap
bonds_needed – number of bonds an atom needs
- Returns
boolean stating if an atom needs a cap
(parent_zeolite: maze.perfect_zeolite.PerfectZeolite, additions_map: Optional[Dict] = None) → None[source]¶ Register a tagged zeolite with the parent zeolite/zeolite to register the zeolite with. For this to work the tags of the current zeolite must be equal to the parent indices. :param parent_zeolite: the parent zeolite to register the zeolite with. :type parent_zeolite: PerfectZeolite :param additions_map: Additions map containing addition names and their parent indices :type additions_map: Optional[Dict] :return: None :rtype: None
(addition_name, addition_type) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Removes an addition to the MAZE-sim
- Parameters
addition_name – name of the addition
addition_type – the type of additon (h_cap, o_cap, ect.)
- Returns
A new MAZE-sim with the additional atoms remvoed
(adsorbate: Union[maze.adsorbate.Adsorbate, str]) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Removes an existing adsorbate from the Zeolite :param adsorbate: adsorbate object or str :return: new imperfect MAZE-sim with item removed
(cap_type: str = 'cap', cap_name: Optional[str] = None) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Remove caps from an imperfect MAZE-sim, if no arguments are provided all caps are removed from the Zeolite
- Parameters
cap_type – The type of cap (h_cap, o_cap or cap for both) partial matching will work
cap_name – The name of the cap
- Returns
A copy of self with the caps removed
() → None[source]¶ Add tags to the Zeolite that correspond to their main index in the index mapper :return: None :rtype: None
(new_z: zeolite.Zeolite, source: zeolite.Zeolite) → None[source]¶ Set the attributes of a new imperfect MAZE-sim to that of its source
- Parameters
new_z – Newly created zeolite without attributes set
source – the source from which new_z was created
- Returns
(displacement) → zeolite.Zeolite[source]¶ Returns a copy of self with applied translation :param displacement: atomic positions :type displacement: Iterable :return: new self translatedß :rtype: Zeolite
Perfect Zeolite class¶
(symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None, charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None, calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, site_to_atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to_site=None, additions=None, _is_zeotype=True, ztype=None)[source]¶ A class that inherits from ase.Atoms, which represents an ‘perfect’ zeolite. If a zeolite is built from a cif file from the zeolite structure database, then the atoms are tagged according to their unique site and the dictionaries site_to_atom_indices and atom_indices_to_site are filled. If not these dictionaries are set to none. This class contains a bunch of static methods for identifying different types of atoms in the zeolite as well as as methods to build an imperfect MAZE-sim from a parent Zeotype class. Imperfect zeotypes have additional functionality and are dependent on a parent MAZE-sim class.
(symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None, charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None, calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, site_to_atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to_site=None, additions=None, _is_zeotype=True, ztype=None)[source]¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
(atom_list: List[str]) → List[str][source]¶ - Parameters
atom_list – A list of atom symbols to be excluded from returned list
- Returns
a list of all possible atom symbols that do not include items from
the original list
(old: ase.atoms.Atoms, new: ase.atoms.Atoms) → Dict[int, int][source]¶ Get the index mapping between old and new self. his matching is done by position, so it is essential that the atom positions have not changed. It is also essential that new <= old
- Returns
A mapping between old and new
(fileobj: str, store_tags=False, primitive_cell=False, subtrans_included=True, fractional_occupancies=True, reader='ase') → Tuple[ase.atoms.Atoms, Dict[str, int], Dict[int, str]][source]¶ The helper function used by build_from_cif_with_labels when using an ASE version 3.21.0 or higher. This loads a CIF file using and then finds the T-site information. After finding the T-site information it then replaces each atom in the T-site with another atom type not found in the cif file. The crystal is then generated and then the resulting atoms object atoms are replaced by the original atoms. The mapping between the T-site names and the atom objects in the final atoms object are recored in two dictionaries.
A note about capability: ASE Version 3.21.0 released Jan 18, 2021 refactored the cif reading functions on on which the older function relies. The major change (from this function’s perspective) is that now returns a generator rather than a list, which contains a CIFBlock object.
- Parameters
fileobj – CIF file location
store_tags – store the tags in resulting atoms object
primitive_cell – An option for the reader
subtrans_included – An option for the reader
fractional_occupancies – an option for the final crystal
reader – the reader used (ase works others have not been tested)
- Returns
atoms, site_to_atom_indices, atom_indices_to_site
(fileobj, store_tags=False, primitive_cell=False, subtrans_included=True, fractional_occupancies=True, reader='ase') → Tuple[ase.atoms.Atoms, Dict[str, int], Dict[int, str]][source]¶ The helper function used by build_from_cif_with_labels. This loads a CIF file using and then finds the T-site information. After finding the T-site information it then replaces each atom in the T-site with another atom type not found in the cif file. The crystal is then generated and then the resulting atoms object atoms are replaced by the original atoms. The mapping between the T-site names and the atom objects in the final atoms object are recored in two dictionaries.
- Parameters
fileobj – CIF file location
store_tags – store the tags in resulting atoms object
primitive_cell – An option for the reader
subtrans_included – An option for the reader
fractional_occupancies – an option for the final crystal
reader – the reader used (ase works others have not been tested)
- Returns
atoms, site_to_atom_indices, atom_indices_to_site
()[source]¶ Build a serializable additions map that can be used to rebuild the Zeolite from file :return: additions map :rtype: Dict
(filepath: str, **kwargs) → perfect_zeolite.PerfectZeolite[source]¶ Takes a filepath/fileobject of a cif file and returns a Zeotype or child class with T-sites labeled as specified in the cif file. The dictionaries for T site labels are also filled in these map from the T-site to a list of atom indices. The atom indices to t sites maps atom indices to T-sites.
- Parameters
filepath – Filepath of the cif file
- Returns
Zeotype with labeled sites
(atomtype_list: List[str]) → Tuple[Dict[str, List[int]], Dict[str, int]][source]¶ Counts the number of different atoms of each type in a list of atom symbols
- Parameters
atomtype_list – A list of atom chemical symbols
- Returns
A tuple of two dictionaries the first containing a mapping between the chemical symbol and the indices in the symbol and the second containing a mapping between the chemical symbol and the number of symbols of that type in the input list
() → Tuple[Dict[str, List[int]], Dict[str, int]][source]¶ - Returns
a dictionary where the key is the element symbol and the value is the number in the MAZE-sim
(other)[source]¶ This extends the current Zeotype with additional atoms :param other: atoms like object to extend with :type other: Atoms :return: None :rtype: None
() → Dict[str, List[int]][source]¶ - Returns
Returns a dictionary of atom types where the key consists of the atom category
(framework, adsorbate, extraframework or other) followed by -atom chemical symbol. For example a Sn atom is a framework atom so the key is “framework-Sn”. The value of the returned dictionary is a list of the indices of all of the atoms that belong to the category.
(hetero_atoms_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) → List[int][source]¶ - Returns
Returns a list of all of the hetero-atoms in the MAZE-sim
(atoms_object: ase.atoms.Atoms) → List[int][source]¶ Get the indices in an atoms object
- Parameters
atoms_object – Atoms object to get Indices of
- Returns
List of indices in Atoms object
(zeotype: perfect_zeolite.PerfectZeolite, indices: Iterable[int]) → List[int][source]¶ Gets the compliment of indices in a Zeotype
- Parameters
zeotype – Zeotype containing all indices
indices – Indices to get the compliment of
- Returns
Compliment of indices
(index: int) → str[source]¶ Get the identity of a site
- Parameters
index – Index of site in self
- Returns
Label for the site (comes from CIF) file
(iza_code: str, data_dir='data')[source]¶ Builds an Zeolite from iza code :param iza_zeolite_code: zeolite iza code :type iza_zeolite_code: str :return: An imperfect zeolite class or subclass :rtype: cls
Adsorbate class¶
(symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None, charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None, calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, host_zeotype=None, name='', description='')[source]¶ This is an adsorbate class which represents an adsorbate
(symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None, charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None, calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, host_zeotype=None, name='', description='')[source]¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
(ads_position)[source]¶ average distance from position to all host atoms :param ads_position: np.array x,y,z of adsorbate position :return: float, average distance of host MAZE-sim atoms to adsorbate position
- Args:
(index, radius, cutoff, num_pts=500)[source]¶ picks the best location to place an adsorbate around the host atom :param index: index of host atom at center :param radius: radius around host atom to tests points :param cutoff: minimum distance from other host atoms allowed for tests points :param num_pts: number of points to try :return: array. x,y,z position of best location
- Args:
index: radius: cutoff: num_pts:
(void_position_guess)[source]¶ finds nearest empty region in host MAZE-sim :param void_position_guess: An initial guess for the center of the void as a np.array with x,y,z position :return: np.array position of center of empty void
- Args:
(donor_index)[source]¶ finds direction of lone pair electrons on an adsorbate donor atom :return: vector direction of donor atoms
- Args:
(index, radius, cutoff, num_pts=None)[source]¶ finds positions near host atom far enough from other framework atoms, clusters these viable positions and returns the centers of these clusters. If number of points is too small will return error :param index: index of host atom at center :param radius: radius around host atom to tests points :param cutoff: minimum distance from other host atoms allowed for tests points :param num_pts: number of points to try :return: list. center positions of clusters of points which meet criteria
- Args:
index: radius: cutoff: num_pts:
(index, radius, cutoff, num_pts=None)[source]¶ finds positions near host atom far enough from other framework atoms. :param index: index of host atom at center :param radius: radius around host atom to tests points :param cutoff: minimum distance from other host atoms allowed for tests points :param num_pts: number of points to try :return: list. positions of points which meet cutoff criteria
- Args:
index: radius: cutoff: num_pts:
(ads_position) → float[source]¶ minimum distance from atom in a host to adsorbate :param ads_position: np.array x,y,z of adsorbate position :return: float, minimum distance between an atom in host MAZE-sim and adsorbate position
- Args:
(donor_ind, host_ind, radius=None, cutoff=None)[source]¶ Finds a good position to add adsorbate to host :param donor_ind: index of donor atom on adsorbate :param host_ind: index of host binding site :param radius: distance between host atom and donor atom :param cutoff: minimum distance donor atom must be from host atoms :return: vector of best position to place adsorbate
- Args:
donor_ind: host_ind: radius: cutoff:
()[source]¶ finds atom in adsorbate most likely to bind to metal Heuristic: N > O > P > S > X > C > H :param ads: adsorbate atoms object :return: index of donor atom in adsorbate
() → int[source]¶ - picks element with largest atomic number higher than 14 (Si) if one exists. If none exist,
pick Al as a donor atom.
- Returns:
index of host atom
(donor_ind=None, host_ind=None, pos=None) → adsorbate.Adsorbate[source]¶ Rotates and positions adsorbate according to specified parameters if no parameters are provided, a reasonable position is found :param pos: vector, the position to place adsorbate’s donor atom :param host_ind: integer, index of site in host which adsorbate will be bound :param donor_ind: integer, index of donor atom on adsorbate :return: atoms object with adsorbate in host
- Args:
donor_ind: host_ind: pos: