import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, Union, Callable
import warnings
import ase
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.neighborlist import natural_cutoffs, NeighborList
from maze.adsorbate import Adsorbate
from maze.perfect_zeolite import PerfectZeolite
from abc import ABC
[docs]class Zeolite(PerfectZeolite):
This Zeolite object inherits from PerfectZeolite. It represents a zeolite and consists of additional functionality
for adding, removing and integrating other atoms.
[docs] def __init__(self, symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None,
charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None,
calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, site_to_atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to_site=None,
additions=None, ztype=None, cluster_maker=None):
Constructor for Zeolite object. The majority of the functionality comes from ase.Atoms object
# TODO: write out docstring
super().__init__(symbols, positions, numbers, tags, momenta, masses, magmoms,
charges, scaled_positions, cell, pbc, celldisp, constraint,
calculator, info, velocities, site_to_atom_indices, atom_indices_to_site,
additions, _is_zeotype=False, ztype=ztype)
# handle cluster maker
if isinstance(symbols, self.__class__) and cluster_maker is None: # build from IZ
self.cluster_maker = copy.deepcopy(symbols.cluster_maker)
elif cluster_maker is None: # cluster maker argument passed and not built from IZ
self.cluster_maker = DefaultClusterMaker()
else: # cluster maker argument passed
self.cluster_maker = cluster_maker
[docs] @staticmethod
def build_cap_atoms(cap_atoms_dict: Dict[str, np.array]) -> Atoms:
symbol_list = []
position_list = []
for symbol, pos_list in cap_atoms_dict.items():
for pos in pos_list:
return ase.Atoms(symbol_list, positions=position_list)
[docs] def cap_atoms(self, cap_description: str = '') -> 'Zeolite':
Cap all of the atoms in the zeolite
:param cap_description: A short description for the caps that will be added
:return: A copy of self with the correct parameters added
# TODO: Find a way to map caps back to original
self.update_nl() # might not be needed
new_self = self
o_cap_pos = self.build_O_atoms_cap_dict()
if o_cap_pos:
o_caps = self.build_cap_atoms(o_cap_pos)
new_self = self.add_atoms(o_caps, 'o_caps', cap_description)
new_self.update_nl() # might not be needed
h_cap_pos = new_self.build_H_atoms_cap_dict()
if h_cap_pos:
h_caps = new_self.build_cap_atoms(h_cap_pos)
new_self = new_self.add_atoms(h_caps, 'h_caps', cap_description)
return new_self
[docs] def remove_caps(self, cap_type: str = 'cap', cap_name: Optional[str] = None) -> 'Zeolite':
Remove caps from an imperfect MAZE-sim, if no arguments are provided all
caps are removed from the Zeolite
:param cap_type: The type of cap (h_cap, o_cap or cap for both) partial matching will work
:param cap_name: The name of the cap
:return: A copy of self with the caps removed
cap_names_to_delete = []
cap_names_to_delete_dict = defaultdict(list)
for addition_type in self.additions.keys():
if cap_type not in addition_type:
if cap_name is None: # select all names
matching_names = [name for name in self.additions[addition_type] if cap_name in name]
assert cap_names_to_delete, 'no matching caps found'
indices_to_delete = []
for cap_name in cap_names_to_delete:
indices_to_delete.extend(self.index_mapper.get_overlap(, cap_name))
new_self = self.delete_atoms(indices_to_delete)
for cap_type in cap_names_to_delete_dict.keys():
for cap_name in cap_names_to_delete_dict[cap_type]:
return new_self
[docs] def integrate_adsorbate(self, adsorbate: Atoms) -> Tuple['Zeolite', Adsorbate]:
Add an adsorbate into the imperfect MAZE-sim
:param adsorbate: Adsorbate object
:param ads_name: name of the adsorbate
:return: a copy of imperfect MAZE-sim with the adsorabte added
ads_name = 'adsorbate'
ads = Adsorbate(adsorbate)
new_self = self.add_atoms(adsorbate, ads_name, short_description=ads.description) = new_self.additions[ads_name][-1]
return new_self, ads
[docs] def remove_adsorbate(self, adsorbate: Union[Adsorbate, str]) -> "Zeolite":
Removes an existing adsorbate from the Zeolite
:param adsorbate: adsorbate object or str
:return: new imperfect MAZE-sim with item removed
ads_cat = 'adsorbate'
if hasattr(adsorbate, "name"):
ads_name =
assert isinstance(adsorbate, str), 'adsorbate must have .name attr or be str'
ads_name = adsorbate
assert in self.additions[ads_cat], 'ads not in additions'
indices_to_delete = self.index_mapper.get_overlap(, ads_name)
new_self = self.delete_atoms(indices_to_delete)
return new_self
[docs] def integrate(self, other: PerfectZeolite) -> "Zeolite":
Integrate another MAZE-sim into the current MAZE-sim
:param other: the other MAZE-sim to integrate
:return: a new imperfect MAZE-sim with the other MAZE-sim integrated
new_self = self.__class__(self)
atoms_to_add = ase.Atoms()
for atom in other:
self_index = new_self.index_mapper.get_index(,, atom.index)
if self_index is not None:
new_self.change_atom_properties(self_index, atom.index, other)
new_self = new_self.add_atoms(atoms_to_add, atom_type='other_zeotype')
return new_self
[docs] def change_atom_properties(self, self_index: int, other_index: int, other: Atoms) -> None:
Change the atom properties
:param self_index: index of self that needs to be changed
:param other_index: index of other that holds the properties to change self
:param other: other Atoms object that the other_indices corresponds to
:return: None
self[self_index].symbol = other[other_index].symbol
self[self_index].position = other[other_index].position
self[self_index].tag = other[other_index].tag
self[self_index].momentum = other[other_index].momentum
self[self_index].mass = other[other_index].mass
self[self_index].magmom = other[other_index].magmom
self[self_index].charge = other[other_index].charge
[docs] def build_H_atoms_cap_dict(self, bonds_needed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None):
Build a dictionary of hydrogen caps
:param bonds_needed: Number of bonds needed for each atom
:return: A list of positions of H caps
if bonds_needed is None:
bonds_needed = {'O': 2, 'Si': 4, 'Sn': 4, 'Al': 4, 'Ga': 4, 'B': 4}
cap_atoms_dict: Dict[str, List[np.array]] = defaultdict(list)
indices, count = self.count_elements()
for o_index in indices['O']:
if self.needs_cap(o_index, bonds_needed['O']):
pos = self.get_H_pos(o_index)
return dict(cap_atoms_dict)
[docs] def build_O_atoms_cap_dict(self, bonds_needed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None):
Builds a dictionary of oxygen caps
:param bonds_needed: Number of bonds needed for each atom
:return: A list of oxygen cap positions
if bonds_needed is None:
bonds_needed = {'O': 2, 'Si': 4, 'Sn': 4, 'Al': 4, 'Ga': 4, 'B': 4}
cap_atoms_dict: Dict[str, List[np.array]] = defaultdict(list)
indices, count = self.count_elements()
distict_positions = set()
for si_index in indices['Si']:
if self.needs_cap(si_index, bonds_needed['Si']):
for i in range(bonds_needed['Si'] - len(self.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(si_index)[0])):
pos = self.get_oxygen_cap_pos(si_index)
for pos in distict_positions:
return dict(cap_atoms_dict)
[docs] def build_all_atoms_cap_dict(self, bonds_needed: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None) -> Dict[str, np.array]:
Builds a dictionary for all atoms (not currently being used, but could be resurrected).
:param bonds_needed: number of bonds needed for each atom type
:return: A list of capping atoms to add
if bonds_needed is None:
bonds_needed = {'O': 2, 'Si': 4, 'Sn': 4, 'Al': 4, 'Ga': 4, 'B': 4}
cap_atoms_dict: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list)
indices, count = self.count_elements()
for si_index in indices['Si']:
if self.needs_cap(si_index, bonds_needed['Si']):
for i in range(bonds_needed['Si'] - len(self.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(si_index)[0])):
pos = self.get_oxygen_cap_pos(si_index)
for o_index in indices['O']:
if self.needs_cap(o_index, bonds_needed['O']):
pos = self.get_H_pos(o_index)
return dict(cap_atoms_dict)
[docs] def get_H_pos(self, atom_to_cap_self_i: int) -> np.array:
:param atom_to_cap_self_i: atom to cap index (self index)
:return: hydrogen position
atom_to_cap_pi = self.index_mapper.get_index(,, atom_to_cap_self_i)
if atom_to_cap_pi is None:
site_pi = None
print(f'atom_to_cap_self_i {atom_to_cap_self_i} does not map to parent MAZE-sim')
site_pi = self.find_missing_atom(atom_to_cap_pi, ['H', 'Si'])
if site_pi is None:
print(f'atom_to_cap_self_i {atom_to_cap_self_i} No matching atom in parent found using h_finder')
return self.get_hydrogen_cap_pos_simple(atom_to_cap_self_i)
direction = self.parent_zeotype.get_distance(atom_to_cap_pi, site_pi, mic=True, vector=True)
hydrogen_pos = self.get_positions()[atom_to_cap_self_i] + direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
return hydrogen_pos
[docs] def find_missing_atom(self, oxygen_atom_to_cap_pi, atom_symbol_list) -> int:
:param atom_symbol_list: The symbols to look for in the parent MAZE-sim
:param oxygen_atom_to_cap_pi:
:return: parent atom Si index or H index
nl = self.parent_zeotype.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(oxygen_atom_to_cap_pi)[0]
for atom_index in nl:
if self.index_mapper.get_index(,, atom_index) is None:
if self.parent_zeotype[atom_index].symbol in atom_symbol_list:
return atom_index
[docs] def delete_atoms(self, indices_to_delete) -> 'Zeolite':
"""Delete atoms from imperfect MAZE-sim by returning a copy with atoms deleted
:param indices_to_delete: Indices of atoms in current MAZE-sim to delete
:return: a copy of self with atoms deleted
# lambda a: del a[indices_to_delete]
new_self_a = copy.deepcopy(ase.Atoms(self))
del new_self_a[indices_to_delete]
new_self = self.__class__(new_self_a, ztype=self.ztype)
self.set_attrs_source(new_self, self)
old_to_new_map = self._get_old_to_new_map(self, new_self)
self.index_mapper.register(,, old_to_new_map)
return new_self
[docs] @staticmethod
def set_attrs_source(new_z: 'Zeolite', source: "Zeolite") -> None:
Set the attributes of a new imperfect MAZE-sim to that of its source
:param new_z: Newly created zeolite without attributes set
:param source: the source from which new_z was created
:return: None
new_z.parent_zeotype = source.parent_zeotype
new_z.index_mapper = source.index_mapper
new_z.additions = copy.deepcopy(source.additions)
new_z.cluster_maker = copy.deepcopy(source.cluster_maker)
# copy over potential energies
# copy over forces
# copy over other key atoms attributes
[docs] def translate_self(self, displacement) -> "Zeolite":
Returns a copy of self with applied translation
:param displacement: atomic positions
:type displacement: Iterable
:return: new self translatedß
:rtype: Zeolite
new_self = self.apply(lambda a: a.translate(displacement))
return new_self
[docs] def wrap_self(self, **wrap_kw) -> "Zeolite":
new_self = self.apply(lambda a: a.wrap(**wrap_kw))
return new_self
def _count_equal(list1: Iterable, list2: Iterable) -> bool:
count_dict_1 = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
count_dict_2 = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for el1, el2 in zip(list1, list2):
count_dict_1[el1] += 1
count_dict_2[el2] += 1
if len(count_dict_1) != len(count_dict_2):
return False
for key in count_dict_1:
if count_dict_1[key] != count_dict_2[key]:
return False
return True
[docs] def apply(self, operation: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Zeolite':
Applies a custom function to the atoms and returns a new self.
Custom operation cannot change tags or else errors will occur!
:param operation: applies a custom function to the atoms
:return: zeolite with applied modifications
new_self_a = copy.deepcopy(ase.Atoms(self.retag_self()))
pre_operation_tags = new_self_a.get_tags()
operation(new_self_a, *args, **kwargs)
post_operation_tags = new_self_a.get_tags()
assert self._count_equal(pre_operation_tags, post_operation_tags), 'tags cannot be changed by operation'
new_self = self.__class__(new_self_a)
new_self.register_with_parent(self.parent_zeotype, self.build_additions_map())
return new_self
[docs] def get_type(self, index: int) -> 'str':
Get the type of atom at a certain index
:param index: the atom index to get the type of
:type index: int
:return: the name of the type of index
:rtype: str
assert self.parent_zeotype._atom_indices_to_site is not None, 'Parent Zeotype site mapping missing'
return self.parent_zeotype._atom_indices_to_site[
self.index_mapper.get_index(,, index)]
[docs] def get_site_types(self) -> List[str]:
Get a list of all of the types in the parent zeolite
:return: List of the names of all types
:rtype: List[str]
assert self.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices is not None, 'Parent Zeotype site mapping missing'
assert self.parent_zeotype._atom_indices_to_site is not None, 'Parent Zeotype site mapping missing'
return list(self.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices.keys())
[docs] def find_type(self, atom_type_name: str) -> List[int]:
Find the type of the atom in the parent zeolite list
:param atom_type_name: the name of a certain site
:type atom_type_name: str
:return: List of indices that match site description
:rtype: List[int]
assert self.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices is not None, 'Parent Zeotype site mapping missing'
assert atom_type_name in self.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices, 'atom type name not found'
parent_list = self.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices[atom_type_name]
self_list = []
for p_index in parent_list:
self_index = self.index_mapper.get_index(,, p_index)
if self_index is not None:
return self_list
[docs] @staticmethod
def _check_unique_positions(position_list):
A helper function to check that the positions of the atoms are unique. An error is thrown
if there are overlapping atoms. This slows down the code, because it is O(N^2).
:param position_list (np.array[np.array]): an array of positions
:return: None
for i in range(0, len(position_list)):
for j in range(i, len(position_list)):
if i == j:
for x1, y1 in zip(position_list[i], position_list[j]):
if x1 != y1:
else: # if break statement not called two vectors are equal (which means overlapping atoms)
raise ValueError('An Atoms object with Overlapping atoms was passed to the add_atoms method. '
'Overlapping atoms cause trouble and thus are not allowed. ')
[docs] def add_atoms(self, atoms_to_add: Atoms, atom_type: str, short_description: str = '') -> 'Zeolite':
Adds additional atoms to current imperfect MAZE-sim
:param atoms_to_add: The new atoms to add
:param atom_type: A str describing the type of atoms that are being added
:param short_description: A short description of the atoms that are being added (optional)
:return: A new imperfect MAZE-sim with the atoms added
# add atoms to indexer
# register atoms_to_add with index mapper
atom_indices = [atom.index for atom in atoms_to_add]
# TODO: Find a way to map new atoms back to parent zeolite if that mapping exists
if short_description:
new_atom_name = self.index_mapper.get_unique_name(atom_type) + '_' + short_description
new_atom_name = self.index_mapper.get_unique_name(atom_type)
self.index_mapper.add_atoms(new_atom_name, atom_indices)
# create a new self
new_self_a = copy.deepcopy(ase.Atoms(self))
new_self = self.__class__(new_self_a)
self.set_attrs_source(new_self, self)
# map new self to new atoms object and self
self_to_new_self_map = self._get_old_to_new_map(self, new_self)
atoms_to_new_self_map = self._get_old_to_new_map(atoms_to_add, new_self)
# combine maps into a single map to main indexer
main_to_new_self_map = {}
# first map to self
self_to_main_map = self.index_mapper.get_reverse_main_index(
for self_i, new_self_i in self_to_new_self_map.items():
main_index = self_to_main_map[self_i]
main_to_new_self_map[main_index] = new_self_i
# then map to atoms
atoms_to_main_map = self.index_mapper.get_reverse_main_index(new_atom_name)
for atoms_i, new_self_i in atoms_to_new_self_map.items():
main_index = atoms_to_main_map[atoms_i]
main_to_new_self_map[main_index] = new_self_i
# finally register object
self.index_mapper.register_with_main(, main_to_new_self_map)
# add new_atom_name to additions list
return new_self
[docs] def remove_addition(self, addition_name, addition_type) -> 'Zeolite':
Removes an addition to the MAZE-sim
:param addition_name: name of the addition
:param addition_type: the type of additon (h_cap, o_cap, ect.)
:return: A new MAZE-sim with the additional atoms remvoed
addition_to_self_map = self.index_mapper.get_name1_to_name2_map(addition_name,
to_delete = list(addition_to_self_map.values())
new_self = self.delete_atoms(to_delete)
return new_self
[docs] def create_silanol_defect(self, site_index) -> 'Zeolite':
Creates a silanol defect by deleting an atom and capping the resulting imperfect MAZE-sim
:param site_index:
:return: An imperfect MAZE-sim with a silanol defect
return self.delete_atoms([site_index]).cap_atoms()
[docs] def needs_cap(self, atom_index: int, bonds_needed: int) -> bool:
Finds if an atom needs a cap
:param atom_index: index of atom to check for cap
:param bonds_needed: number of bonds an atom needs
:return: boolean stating if an atom needs a cap
return len(self.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(atom_index)[0]) < bonds_needed
[docs] def get_oxygen_cap_pos(self, atom_to_cap_self_i) -> np.array:
Find a position of an oxygen cap
:param self_index: index of atom needing cap
:return: A position array of the oxygen cap position
atom_to_cap_pi = self.index_mapper.get_index(,, atom_to_cap_self_i)
site_pi = self.find_missing_atom(atom_to_cap_pi, ['O'])
# parend_index = self.index_mapper.get_index(,, self_index)
if site_pi is None:
print("no matching parent oxygen found using old method")
self_index = atom_to_cap_self_i
nl = self.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(self_index)[0]
if len(nl) != 0:
neighbor = nl[-1] # first index in the list of neighbor indicies
direction = self.get_positions()[self_index] - self.get_positions()[
neighbor] # vector from neighbor to Si
oxygen_pos = self.get_positions()[self_index] + 1.6 * direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
direction = np.array([0, 0, 1])
oxygen_pos = self.get_positions()[self_index] + 1.6 * direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
return oxygen_pos
return self.parent_zeotype.get_positions()[site_pi]
[docs] def get_hydrogen_cap_pos_simple(self, index) -> np.array:
Finds the position of a hydrogen cap position
:param index: index of hydrogen cap
:return: the hydrogen position to add the cap too
neighbor = self.neighbor_list.get_neighbors(index)[0][0] # first index in the list of neighbor indicies
direction = self.get_positions()[index] - self.get_positions()[neighbor] # vector from neighbor to oxygen
hydrogen_pos = self.get_positions()[index] + direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
return hydrogen_pos
[docs] def get_cluster(self, start_index: int, cluster_indices=None, **kwargs) -> Tuple["Zeolite", "Zeolite"]:
Generates a Cluster of atoms around the specified index. The number of atoms in the cluster
is given by the size parameter.
:param start_index: center index of cluster
:type start_index: int
:param cluster_indices: Indices of cluster to make
:param max_size: max size of cluster
:param index: index of the central atom in the cluster
:param max_neighbors: number of neighbors from the host atom in the final cluster
:return: index of the cluster in the MAZE-sim cluster array
if cluster_indices is None:
self_2 = self
cluster_indices = self.cluster_maker.get_cluster_indices(self_2, start_index, **kwargs)
cluster = self.cluster_maker.get_cluster(self, cluster_indices)
open_defect = self.cluster_maker.get_open_defect(self, cluster_indices)
return cluster, open_defect
[docs] def add_additions_map_to_self(self, additions_map: Dict) -> None:
Add an additions map to the current Zeolite. This function has side effects and modifies the current Zeolite.
This is useful in building a Zeolite from a saved file and reloading the additions map into memory.
:param additions_map: an additions map (format is specified in the additions map function)
:type additions_map: Dict[Dict]
:return: None
:rtype: None
for key in additions_map:
[docs] def register_with_parent(self, parent_zeolite: PerfectZeolite, additions_map: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
Register a tagged zeolite with the parent zeolite/zeolite to register the zeolite with. For this to work
the tags of the current zeolite must be equal to the parent indices.
:param parent_zeolite: the parent zeolite to register the zeolite with.
:type parent_zeolite: PerfectZeolite
:param additions_map: Additions map containing addition names and their parent indices
:type additions_map: Optional[Dict]
:return: None
:rtype: None
# test that all tags are unique
if len(self.get_tags()) != len(set(self.get_tags())):
raise RuntimeError('Tags must be unique to register self with parent_zeolite')
main_to_new_map = {}
for atom in self:
main_to_new_map[atom.tag] = atom.index
parent_zeolite.index_mapper.register_with_main(, main_to_new_map)
self.index_mapper = parent_zeolite.index_mapper
self.parent_zeotype = parent_zeolite
if additions_map is not None: # register additions
for key in additions_map:
addition_main_to_new_map = {}
for name, main_indices in additions_map[key].items():
addition_index = 0
for atom in self:
if atom.tag in main_indices:
addition_main_to_new_map[atom.tag] = addition_index
addition_index += 1
self.index_mapper.register_with_main(name, addition_main_to_new_map)
[docs] def retag_self(self) -> None:
Add tags to the Zeolite that correspond to their main index in the index mapper
:return: None
:rtype: None
assert self.index_mapper is not None, 'cannot retag when index mapper is None'
self_to_main_index_map = self.index_mapper.get_reverse_main_index(
new_self = self.__class__(self)
for atom in new_self:
atom.tag = self_to_main_index_map[atom.index]
return new_self
[docs]class ClusterMaker(ABC):
This is an abstract class that selects indices from a Zeolite to return a cluster.
Multiple implementations of a cluster maker are possible.
[docs] def get_cluster_indices(self, zeolite: PerfectZeolite, start_site: int, **kwargs) -> List[int]:
Get the cluster indices of a zeo
:param zeolite: zeolite to select the cluster from
:type zeolite: Zeolite
:param start_site: the start site (usually a T-site) from which to select the indices
:type start_site: int
:param kwargs: additional keyword arguments needed for other functions
:type kwargs: Dict
:return: list of indices
:rtype: List[int]
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_cluster(zeolite: Zeolite, indices: Iterable[int], name="Cluster") -> Zeolite:
Get a cluster from a zeolite
:param zeolite: Zeolite from which to extract the cluster
:type zeolite: Zeolite
:param indices: the indices of the zeolite to construct the cluster
:type indices: Iterable[int]
:param name: the ztype of the created cluster
:type name: string
:return: The created cluster of type Zeolite
:rtype: Zeolite
cluster = Zeolite(zeolite, ztype=name)
to_delete = cluster.get_indices_compliment(cluster, indices)
cluster = cluster.delete_atoms(to_delete)
return cluster
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_open_defect(zeolite: PerfectZeolite, indices: Iterable[int], name="Open Defect") -> Zeolite:
Get an opendefect object from a zeolite
:param zeolite: zeolite from which to get the open defect
:type zeolite: Zeolite
:param indices: the indices of the cluster (these indices are going to be deleted)
:type indices: Iterable[int]
:param name: the ztype of the open defect that will be created
:type name: str
:return: The created opendefect Zeolite
:rtype: Zeolite
new_od = Zeolite(zeolite, ztype=name)
new_od = new_od.delete_atoms(indices)
return new_od
[docs]class DefaultClusterMaker(ClusterMaker):
This is an implementation of a Cluster Maker that is used if no cluster maker object is specified
def __init__(self):
[docs] def get_cluster_indices(self, zeolite: PerfectZeolite, start_site: int, **kwargs):
return self.get_oh_cluster_indices(zeolite, start_site)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_oh_cluster_multi_t_sites(cls, zeolite: PerfectZeolite, t_sites: Iterable[int]) -> List[int]:
get an OH cluster with multiple T sites
:param zeolite: The MAZE-sim from which to extract the cluster
:param t_sites: the central t site
:return: A list of indices of the cluster
all_indices = set()
for t_site in t_sites:
all_indices.update(cls.get_oh_cluster_indices(zeolite, t_site))
return list(all_indices)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_oh_cluster_indices(zeolite: PerfectZeolite, t_site: int) -> List[int]:
Create a cluster that only includes one central T site and then Oxygen
and Hydrogen atoms. This is different than the other cluster selection
methods that take in other
:param zeolite: The zeolite from which the cluster indices will be drawn
:param t_site: The index of the T site around which the cluster will be built
:return: The indices of the new cluster
if zeolite.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices is not None and 'T' not in zeolite.get_site_type(t_site):
# short circuit to prevent get_site_type from throwing error
warnings.warn(f'Cluster indices generator requires a T site for the initial '
f'start site. Index {t_site} might not be a T site')
nl = NeighborList(natural_cutoffs(zeolite), self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
all_indices = {t_site}
oxygen_indices = set()
for index in nl.get_neighbors(t_site)[0]:
if zeolite[index].symbol == "O":
si_indices = set()
for oxygen_index in oxygen_indices:
for index in nl.get_neighbors(oxygen_index)[0]:
if zeolite[index].symbol == "Si":
for si_index in si_indices:
for index in nl.get_neighbors(si_index)[0]:
if zeolite[index].symbol == "O":
all_indices = all_indices.union(oxygen_indices).union(si_indices)
return list(all_indices)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_cluster_indices_all_atoms(zeolite, index: int, max_size: int, max_neighbors: int) -> List[int]:
get the indices of a cluster from a zeolite when specifying the
center atom index and size of the cluster
:param zeolite: the zeolite from which to build the cluster
:param index: the centeral atom index
:param max_size: the max number of atoms in the final cluster
:param max_neighbors: the max number of neighbors from the starting cluster
:return: a list of indices
nl = NeighborList(natural_cutoffs(zeolite), self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
# instead of using zeolite use only the T sites
# Sn Ti Hf, Si , Al, Zn T sites
# Look at the
# The remove functions should take all the T site elements or what T sites
# what to remove should be different from the function that actually removes the T sites
# User
# if I give it the indices of 5 T sites. I remove 5 Si atoms I should create 5 * 4 O-H bonds
cluster_indices = set()
new_cluster_indices = {index}
for _ in range(max_neighbors):
current_cluster_indices = set()
for cluster_index in new_cluster_indices:
if len(cluster_indices) >= max_size:
return list(cluster_indices)
for new_index in nl.get_neighbors(cluster_index)[0]:
new_cluster_indices = current_cluster_indices
return list(cluster_indices)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_cluster_indices_multi_T_site(zeolite, T_indices: Iterable[int], max_size: int, max_neighbors: int) -> List[
get the indices of a cluster from a zeolite when specifying the
center atom index and size of the cluster
:param T_indices: Indices of the T site
:type T_indices: Iterable[int]
:param zeolite: the zeolite from which to build the cluster
:param index: the centeral atom index
:param max_size: the max number of atoms in the final cluster
:param max_neighbors: the max number of neighbors from the starting cluster
:return: a list of indices
nl = NeighborList(natural_cutoffs(zeolite), self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
cluster_indices = set()
new_cluster_indices = set(T_indices)
for _ in range(max_neighbors):
current_cluster_indices = set()
for cluster_index in new_cluster_indices:
if len(cluster_indices) >= max_size:
return list(cluster_indices)
for new_index in nl.get_neighbors(cluster_index)[0]:
if new_index not in T_indices: # don't add T sites to current cluster indices
new_cluster_indices = current_cluster_indices
return list(cluster_indices)