import copy
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Optional
import uuid
import ase
from ase import Atoms
from import cif
from ase.neighborlist import natural_cutoffs, NeighborList
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
import pkg_resources
from maze.index_mapper import IndexMapper
from maze.cif_download import download_cif
[docs]class PerfectZeolite(Atoms):
A class that inherits from ase.Atoms, which represents an 'perfect' zeolite. If a zeolite is built from a cif
file from the zeolite structure database, then the atoms are tagged according to their unique site and the
dictionaries site_to_atom_indices and atom_indices_to_site are filled. If not these dictionaries are set to none.
This class contains a bunch of static methods for identifying different types of atoms in the zeolite as well as
as methods to build an imperfect MAZE-sim from a parent Zeotype class. Imperfect zeotypes have additional
functionality and are dependent on a parent MAZE-sim class.
[docs] def __init__(self, symbols=None, positions=None, numbers=None, tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None, magmoms=None,
charges=None, scaled_positions=None, cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None, constraint=None,
calculator=None, info=None, velocities=None, site_to_atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to_site=None,
additions=None, _is_zeotype=True, ztype=None):
super().__init__(symbols, positions, numbers, tags, momenta, masses, magmoms, charges, scaled_positions,
cell, pbc, celldisp, constraint, calculator, info, velocities)
# To Be compatible with ASE's atoms object, this code has to have the functionality to build from
# an atom's object, a Zeotype object, or a sub class of a Zeotype object
# The following if statements take care of this functionality depending on
# if the object being built is a Zeotype or if symbols is a Zeotype (there are four unique paths)
if isinstance(symbols, PerfectZeolite): # if symbols is Zeotype or Zeotype subclass
self.additions = copy.deepcopy(symbols.additions)
if _is_zeotype: # if the object being built is a Zeotype
self._site_to_atom_indices = symbols._site_to_atom_indices
self._atom_indices_to_site = symbols._atom_indices_to_site
self.ztype = 'parent' = 'parent' # must be parent to agree with index mapper
self.index_mapper = IndexMapper(self.get_indices(self))
self.parent_zeotype = self
else: # if the object being built is a subtype of Zeotype
self.parent_zeotype = symbols.parent_zeotype
self._site_to_atom_indices = None
self._atom_indices_to_site = None
self.index_mapper = symbols.index_mapper
if ztype is None:
self.ztype = symbols.ztype if symbols.ztype != 'parent' and symbols.ztype else type(self).__name__
self.ztype = ztype = self.index_mapper.get_unique_name(self.ztype)
# add name and register with index mapper
self.index_mapper.register(,, self._get_old_to_new_map(symbols, self))
else: # if symbols is not a Zeotype or Zeotype child class
if _is_zeotype: # if Zeotype object is being built # TODO: get rid of _is_zeotype attribute
self.ztype = 'parent' = 'parent' # must be parent for code to work properly
self.index_mapper = IndexMapper(self.get_indices(self))
self.parent_zeotype = self
else: # building a non-parent zeolite
# make a parent zeolite of self
parent = PerfectZeolite(symbols)
self.parent_zeotype = parent
self.index_mapper = parent.index_mapper
if ztype is not None:
self.ztype = ztype
self.ztype = type(self).__name__ # use type for ztype by default = self.index_mapper.get_unique_name(self.ztype) # use name
self.index_mapper.register(,, self._get_old_to_new_map(parent, self))
self._site_to_atom_indices = site_to_atom_indices
self._atom_indices_to_site = atom_indices_to_site
self.additions = copy.deepcopy(additions) if additions else defaultdict(list)
self.unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
def site_to_atom_indices(self) -> Dict:
my_site_to_atom_indices = {}
for site, indices in self.parent_zeotype._site_to_atom_indices.items():
my_indices = []
for index in indices:
index = self.index_mapper.main_index[index][]
if index is not None:
my_site_to_atom_indices[site] = my_indices
return my_site_to_atom_indices
def atom_indices_to_sites(self) -> Dict:
my_atom_indices_to_sites = {}
for index, site in self.parent_zeotype._atom_indices_to_site.items():
my_index = self.index_mapper.main_index[index][]
if my_index is not None:
my_atom_indices_to_sites[my_index] = site
return my_atom_indices_to_sites
[docs] @staticmethod
def _get_available_symbols(atom_list: List[str]) -> List[str]:
:param atom_list: A list of atom symbols to be excluded from returned list
:return: a list of all possible atom symbols that do not include items from
the original list
available_chem_symbols = copy.deepcopy(
for symbol in set(atom_list):
pop_index = available_chem_symbols.index(symbol)
return available_chem_symbols
[docs] @classmethod
def build_from_cif_with_labels(cls, filepath: str, **kwargs) -> "PerfectZeolite":
Takes a filepath/fileobject of a cif file and returns a Zeotype or child class with T-sites
labeled as specified in the cif file. The dictionaries for T site labels are also filled in
these map from the T-site to a list of atom indices. The atom indices to t sites maps atom
indices to T-sites.
:param filepath: Filepath of the cif file
:return: Zeotype with labeled sites
if parse_version(pkg_resources.get_distribution('ase').version) < parse_version('3.21.0'):
# if using an older versino of ase
cif_reader = cls._read_cif_note_sites
# if using a newer version of ase
cif_reader = cls._read_cif_note_siteJan2021Update
atoms, site_to_atom_indices, atom_indices_to_site = cif_reader(filepath, **kwargs)
zeotype = cls(atoms)
zeotype._site_to_atom_indices = site_to_atom_indices
zeotype._atom_indices_to_site = atom_indices_to_site
return cls(zeotype)
[docs] @staticmethod
def _read_cif_note_siteJan2021Update(fileobj: str, store_tags=False, primitive_cell=False,
subtrans_included=True, fractional_occupancies=True,
reader='ase') -> Tuple[Atoms, Dict[str, int], Dict[int, str]]:
The helper function used by build_from_cif_with_labels when using an ASE version
3.21.0 or higher. This loads a CIF file using and then
finds the T-site information. After finding the T-site information it then replaces
each atom in the T-site with another atom type not found in the cif file. The
crystal is then generated and then the resulting atoms object atoms are replaced
by the original atoms. The mapping between the T-site names and the atom objects
in the final atoms object are recored in two dictionaries.
A note about capability:
ASE Version 3.21.0 released Jan 18, 2021 refactored the cif reading functions on
on which the older function relies. The major change (from this function's perspective)
is that now returns a generator rather than a list, which contains
a CIFBlock object.
:param fileobj: CIF file location
:param store_tags: store the tags in resulting atoms object
:param primitive_cell: An option for the reader
:param subtrans_included: An option for the reader
:param fractional_occupancies: an option for the final crystal
:param reader: the reader used (ase works others have not been tested)
:return: atoms, site_to_atom_indices, atom_indices_to_site
blocks =, reader) # get blocks generator
cif = list(blocks)[0] # get cif object
# replace elements with replacement symbol
element_to_T_site = {}
sym_to_original_element = {}
possible_syms = PerfectZeolite._get_available_symbols(
cif._tags["_atom_site_type_symbol"]) # only get symbols not in CIF file
for i in range(len(cif._tags["_atom_site_label"])): # label all atoms
sym = possible_syms.pop()
sym_to_original_element[sym] = cif._tags["_atom_site_type_symbol"][i]
cif._tags["_atom_site_type_symbol"][i] = sym
element_to_T_site[sym] = cif._tags["_atom_site_label"][i]
site_to_atom_indices = defaultdict(list)
atom_indices_to_site = {}
atoms = cif.get_atoms(store_tags, primitive_cell, subtrans_included, fractional_occupancies)
for i in range(len(atoms)): # replace substitute atoms with original Si and get indices of replaced atoms
if atoms[i].symbol in element_to_T_site.keys():
sym = atoms[i].symbol
key = element_to_T_site[sym]
atom_indices_to_site[i] = key
atoms[i].tag =[sym]
atoms[i].symbol = sym_to_original_element[sym]
return atoms, dict(site_to_atom_indices), atom_indices_to_site
[docs] @staticmethod
def _read_cif_note_sites(fileobj, store_tags=False, primitive_cell=False,
subtrans_included=True, fractional_occupancies=True,
reader='ase') -> Tuple[Atoms, Dict[str, int], Dict[int, str]]:
The helper function used by build_from_cif_with_labels. This loads a CIF file
using and then finds the T-site information. After finding
the T-site information it then replaces each atom in the T-site with another
atom type not found in the cif file. The crystal is then generated and then
the resulting atoms object atoms are replaced by the original atoms. The mapping
between the T-site names and the atom objects in the final atoms object are
recored in two dictionaries.
:param fileobj: CIF file location
:param store_tags: store the tags in resulting atoms object
:param primitive_cell: An option for the reader
:param subtrans_included: An option for the reader
:param fractional_occupancies: an option for the final crystal
:param reader: the reader used (ase works others have not been tested)
:return: atoms, site_to_atom_indices, atom_indices_to_site
blocks =, reader) # read CIF file into dictionary
b_dict = blocks[0][1] # get the dictionary from CIF file
# find the atoms that are T sites
# t_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(b_dict["_atom_site_label"])) if 'T' in b_dict["_atom_site_label"][i]]
# replace elements with replacement symbol
element_to_T_site = {}
sym_to_original_element = {}
possible_syms = PerfectZeolite._get_available_symbols(
b_dict["_atom_site_type_symbol"]) # only get symbols not in CIF file
for i in range(len(b_dict["_atom_site_label"])): # label all atoms
sym = possible_syms.pop()
sym_to_original_element[sym] = b_dict["_atom_site_type_symbol"][i]
b_dict["_atom_site_type_symbol"][i] = sym
element_to_T_site[sym] = b_dict["_atom_site_label"][i]
site_to_atom_indices = defaultdict(list)
atom_indices_to_site = {}
images = []
atoms = None
for name, tags in blocks:
atoms =, store_tags, primitive_cell,
for i in range(len(atoms)): # replace substitute atoms with original Si and get indices of replaced atoms
if atoms[i].symbol in element_to_T_site.keys():
sym = atoms[i].symbol
key = element_to_T_site[sym]
atom_indices_to_site[i] = key
atoms[i].tag =[sym]
atoms[i].symbol = sym_to_original_element[sym]
return atoms, dict(site_to_atom_indices), atom_indices_to_site
[docs] def update_nl(self, mult: float = 1) -> None:
Builds and updates neighborlist
:param mult: The mult (multiply) parameter for natural cutoffs (Default 1)
:return: None
self.neighbor_list = NeighborList(natural_cutoffs(self, mult=mult), bothways=True, self_interaction=False)
[docs] def get_hetero_atoms(self, hetero_atoms_list: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[int]:
:return: Returns a list of all of the hetero-atoms in the MAZE-sim
if not hetero_atoms_list:
hetero_atoms_list = ['Sn', 'Hf', 'Zr', 'Ge', 'Ti']
indices_list = []
for atom in self:
if atom.symbol in hetero_atoms_list:
return indices_list
[docs] def get_atom_types(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
:return: Returns a dictionary of atom types where the key consists of the atom category
(framework, adsorbate, extraframework or other) followed by -atom chemical symbol. For
example a Sn atom is a framework atom so the key is "framework-Sn". The value of the
returned dictionary is a list of the indices of all of the atoms that belong to the
type_dict: Dict[str, List[int]] = defaultdict(list) # default dict sets the default value of dict to []
nl = self.neighbor_list
for atom in self: # iterate through atom objects in MAZE-sim
# labels framework atoms
if atom.symbol in ['Sn', 'Al', 'Si']:
label = 'framework-%s' % atom.symbol
elif atom.symbol in ['C', 'N']:
label = 'adsorbate-%s' % atom.symbol
elif atom.symbol in ['Cu', 'Ni', 'Fe', 'Cr']:
label = 'extraframework-%s' % atom.symbol
elif atom.symbol == 'O':
neigh_ind = nl.get_neighbors(atom.index)
if len(neigh_ind) == 2:
neigh_sym1, neigh_sym2 = self[neigh_ind[0][0]].symbol, self[neigh_ind[0][1]].symbol
# assign framework oxygens
if neigh_sym1 in ['Sn', 'Al', 'Si'] and neigh_sym2 in ['Sn', 'Al', 'Si']:
label = 'framework-%s' % atom.symbol
# assign bound adsorbate oxygen
elif neigh_sym1 in ['H', 'C', 'N'] and neigh_sym2 in ['Sn', 'Al', 'Si']:
label = 'bound-adsorbate-%s' % atom.symbol
elif neigh_sym2 in ['H', 'C', 'N'] and neigh_sym1 in ['Sn', 'Al', 'Si']:
label = 'bound-adsorbate-%s' % atom.symbol
# assign rest as adsorbate oxygen
label = 'adsorbate-%s' % atom.symbol
else: # is this correct
label = 'other'
label = 'other'
return dict(type_dict)
[docs] def count_elements(self) -> Tuple[Dict['str', List[int]], Dict['str', int]]:
:return: a dictionary where the key is the element symbol and the value is the number in the MAZE-sim
indices: Dict['str', List['int']] = defaultdict(list) # indices of the elements grouped by type
count: Dict['str', int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # number of elements of each type
for atom in self:
element = atom.symbol
count[element] += 1
return dict(indices), dict(count)
[docs] @staticmethod
def count_atomtypes(atomtype_list: List[str]) -> Tuple[Dict['str', List[int]], Dict['str', int]]:
Counts the number of different atoms of each type in a list of atom symbols
:param atomtype_list: A list of atom chemical symbols
:return: A tuple of two dictionaries the first containing a mapping between the chemical
symbol and the indices in the symbol and the second containing a mapping between the
chemical symbol and the number of symbols of that type in the input list
indices: Dict['str', List['int']] = defaultdict(list) # indices of the elements grouped by type
count: Dict['str', int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # number of elements of each type
for i, element in enumerate(atomtype_list):
count[element] += 1
return indices, count # TODO: Combine with count_elements method
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_indices_compliment(zeotype: 'PerfectZeolite', indices: Iterable[int]) -> List[int]:
Gets the compliment of indices in a Zeotype
:param zeotype: Zeotype containing all indices
:param indices: Indices to get the compliment of
:return: Compliment of indices
return list(set([a.index for a in zeotype]) - set(indices))
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_indices(atoms_object: Atoms) -> List[int]:
Get the indices in an atoms object
:param atoms_object: Atoms object to get Indices of
:return: List of indices in Atoms object
return [a.index for a in atoms_object]
[docs] def extend(self, other):
This extends the current Zeotype with additional atoms
:param other: atoms like object to extend with
:type other: Atoms
:return: None
:rtype: None
self_length = len(self)
other_indices = [self_length + i for i in range(0, len(other))]
except TypeError:
other_indices = [self_length + 1]
self.index_mapper.extend(, other_indices)
[docs] def pop(self, index: int = -1):
This removes
:param index: index to pop
:type index: int
:return: Atom
:rtype: Atom
return super().pop(index)
[docs] def get_site_type(self, index: int) -> str:
Get the identity of a site
:param index: Index of site in self
:return: Label for the site (comes from CIF) file
assert self.parent_zeotype._atom_indices_to_site is not None, 'atom_indices_to_site is None, cannot get label'
pz_index = self.index_mapper.get_index(,, index)
return self.parent_zeotype._atom_indices_to_site[pz_index]
[docs] @staticmethod
def _get_old_to_new_map(old: Atoms, new: Atoms) -> Dict[int, int]:
Get the index mapping between old and new self.
his matching is done by position, so it is essential that the atom
positions have not changed. It is also essential that new <= old
:return: A mapping between old and new
new_index_to_position_map = {}
for atom in new:
new_index_to_position_map[atom.index] = str(atom.position)
old_position_to_index_map = {}
for atom in old:
old_position_to_index_map[str(atom.position)] = atom.index
old_to_new_map = {}
for new_index, pos in new_index_to_position_map.items():
old_to_new_map[old_position_to_index_map[pos]] = new_index
except KeyError:
return old_to_new_map
def __copy__(self):
return self.__class__(self)
def __del__(self) -> None:
if hasattr(self, 'index_mapper') and self.index_mapper is not None:
[docs] @classmethod
def make(cls, iza_code: str, data_dir='data'):
Builds an Zeolite from iza code
:param iza_zeolite_code: zeolite iza code
:type iza_zeolite_code: str
:return: An imperfect zeolite class or subclass
:rtype: cls
cif_path = os.path.join('data', iza_code + '.cif')
if not os.path.exists(cif_path):
download_cif(iza_code, data_dir)
parent = PerfectZeolite.build_from_cif_with_labels(cif_path)
return cls(parent)
[docs] def build_additions_map(self):
Build a serializable additions map that can be used to rebuild the Zeolite from file
:return: additions map
:rtype: Dict
additions_map = defaultdict(dict)
for category, names in self.additions.items():
for name in names:
additions_map[category][name] = list(self.index_mapper.get_reverse_main_index(name).values())
return dict(additions_map)